Resources for Caring Adults

Highlighted Resources
Talking with Children About Politics
When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies
Supporting Grandfamilies
Meeting Children Where They Are
Fundamentals of Learning and Growing 

Fred Rogers was a practical scholar of child development, and his careful consideration of the needs and experiences of children is preserved in the 22,000 items in the Fred Rogers Archive at Saint Vincent College. The resources of the Fred Rogers Institute are grounded in the Fred Rogers Archive  and rigorous research with educators and other children’s helpers. Search our topics - there is something for everyone!

Reimagining Relationships In Storytime

Reimagining Relationships In Storytime

Positive learning outcomes are related to healthy social-emotional skills, and both are strengthened through quality interactions with adults. As a Youth Services Librarian, I am interested in this connection, and how I can support children's learning through programming like storytime.

What do you DO with the mad that you feel?

What do you DO with the mad that you feel?

June 2022: It was 1968 when Fred introduced us to his song, "What Do You Do with the Mad that You Feel." That was over fifty years ago, and the messages of that song are as needed today as ever. Fred knew how important it is to help children learn to deal with their angry feelings. But in his song he wasn't ...

MUSIC - It's More than Meets the Ear

MUSIC - It's More than Meets the Ear

September 2023: A gazillion times! Is that how many times you've sung Itsy, Bitsy Spider and Wheels on the Bus? I know it's not easy to keep finding the energy and enthusiasm to sing the same songs over and over again, but I hope you know how much you're giving children when you do.

Don't Forget the Fun

Don't Forget the Fun

September 2021: In the midst of all we've been going through in this pandemic time, I've thought about something that Helen Ross, a noted children and family mental health specialist, told Fred...

Dress-Up Day

Dress-Up Day

October 2021: However you're dealing (or not dealing) with Halloween in your work with children, this holiday reminds us of how much children love to dress up in costumes and how much they get from it.

Music and Motherhood

Music and Motherhood

Music has been an important part of my life ever since I was a child. From early on, I have fond memories of hearing the songs of Mister Rogers, my mother singing me to sleep, going to church and singing the songs in the hymnal, participating in the choir, or taking part to sing or play instruments in music class ...

Little Children -- Big Words

Little Children -- Big Words

April 2023: The other day I heard a child singing "Row, row, row your boat," and I couldn't help thinking of the delightful version of that song that Fred wrote for King Friday - Propel, propel, propel your craft... Gently down liquid solution. Ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically, ecstatically,

The Way It's Supposed To Be

The Way It's Supposed To Be

"That I might do things differently, and that's the way it's supposed to be." The voice is coming from one of the Pre-Primary teachers in the center where I worked as an administrator at the time. It is September of 2020 and we have just finished our weekly Zoom share ...

The Power of "I Don't Know"

The Power of "I Don't Know"

The importance of wonder and asking questions is nothing new to educators. Early Childhood educators especially, know how to allow opportunities for children's "why?" and "how?" and "hmm..." and "oh, my!"

Expanding the Neighborhood

Expanding the Neighborhood

Through countless episodes of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood, publications, and public appearances, Fred Rogers made generations of people feel as though they were a part of a greater neighborhood, one that involved learning, sharing, and playing. This "neighborhood" supported children - as well as adults ...

A Memorable Marsalis Musical Gift

A Memorable Marsalis Musical Gift

December 2022: In all the years that I worked with Fred, one of the things I came to appreciate is that he encouraged us to be "mindful" - and that was long before it was a part of our vocabulary.

Frankie the Otter: An Interactive Educator Resource

Frankie the Otter: An Interactive Educator Resource

nformed by the teachings and philosophies of Fred Rogers, this teacher's resource draws connections between the work of Fred Rogers and the world of an otter named Frankie. In addition, each section includes thematic concepts, curriculum connections, and activities ideas.

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