The Fred Rogers Archive

The Fred Rogers Archive preserves over 22,000 items from Fred Rogers' personal and professional life. The Archive is essential to the work of the Fred Rogers Institute, and is a source for research into children’s television, early childhood development, and Fred Rogers’ unique role in bridging both fields. Undergraduate students, graduate students, and researchers may request access provisions to study Fred’s life and legacy. Please complete the form below to reach out to our Archivist. Below, you can explore a sampling of the Archive - you're sure to find a treasure!

Mister Rogers Visits STOMP

Mister Rogers Visits STOMP

Mister Rogers visited the cast of STOMP during "Mad Feelings" week. During the week of programs, Mister Rogers explored the question, "What do you do with the mad that you feel?" Fred was known to go to the piano when he was dealing with angry feelings.

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Mister Rogers Visits the Ballet

Mister Rogers meets ballet dancer Ying Li and is anxious to try a few dance moves on his own. She takes his hand and guides him through some of the steps. She shows how her special shoes allow her to stay up on her toes. Mister Rogers says that her love for dance is evident in the way she moves around to the music.

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Learning About Words: Letter for Creative Teaching

When Fred Rogers would write or speak about books and reading, he always mentioned his childhood librarian, "Aunt" Sara McComb. Fred learned to love reading at a young age because Aunt Sara shared her appreciation of books with the children at the library.

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David Newell Oral History

David Newell played Mr. McFeely for the entire run of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood. He explains that Mister Rogers' Neighborhood was filmed like a live show, with very long takes. Although Fred was not always comfortable in front of the camera, he would light up when Mr. McFeely came to the door.

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Mister Rogers Visits with Wynton Marsalis

Mister Rogers Visits with Wynton Marsalis

Wynton Marsalis is just as excited to meet Mister Rogers as Fred is to hear his music. Marsalis is a young musician who has already achieved fame. Mister Rogers asks Marsalis for advice for young children who want to learn to play the trumpet.

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Mister Rogers Visits with Andre Watts

Andre Watts plays the first piece of music he learned on the piano. Watts describes how playing the piano when he is sad helps him to feel better, physically and mentally. Mister Rogers wonders if Watts ever made mistakes while he was learning.

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Thoughts 1361-1365

Fred Rogers wrote these tips for parents on how children can learn about being helpers. The emphases on cooking and working towards a goal relate to a particular week of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood episodes. Mister Rogers bakes waffles with a few Neighborhood friends.

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Mister Rogers and the Singing Bakers

Mister Rogers and the Singing Bakers

Brockett's Bakery is hosting a group of musicians who sing in Spanish. Rather than just sitting and listening, Mister Rogers joins in on the fun. He learns about and experiments with an instrument that mimics the sound of rain.

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Thoughts 1486-1490

Thoughts 1486-1490

In the week of programs about "Play," Mister Rogers plays with wooden blocks and a toy tractor. He and other musicians try out different instruments throughout the week, and Mister Rogers even walks on stilts.

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Contributing to the Archive

If you have an item you believe belongs in the Fred Rogers Archive, please let us know! The items in the Archive must be directly related to Fred Rogers and his production company. We do not accept self-created items such as creative, journalistic, or research writings, or artwork. We do not purchase items to include in the Archive or sell memorabilia from the Archive. 

Contact the Archivist

The Fred Rogers Institute Archivist is available for requests and inquiries from students and researchers. 
