Resources for Caring Adults

Highlighted Resources
Talking with Children About Politics
When a Pet Your Child Loves Dies
Supporting Grandfamilies
Meeting Children Where They Are
Fundamentals of Learning and Growing 

Fred Rogers was a practical scholar of child development, and his careful consideration of the needs and experiences of children is preserved in the 22,000 items in the Fred Rogers Archive at Saint Vincent College. The resources of the Fred Rogers Institute are grounded in the Fred Rogers Archive  and rigorous research with educators and other children’s helpers. Search our topics - there is something for everyone!

Slowing Down

Slowing Down

April 2022: Whenever I show video clips from Mister Rogers' Neighborhood at a professional development workshop, I often ask, "What messages did you hear in it?" Usually teachers talk about "what" Fred said or did. But I remember a teacher who told me she found a lot to learn from "how" Fred said and did things.

Plant One Seed - Grow Two Lessons

Plant One Seed - Grow Two Lessons

May 2022: Welcome to springtime - the "growing season!" Many teachers are using this time of year to offer a science lesson about "growing" by planting seeds. It's a great way to help children see first-hand what a seed needs in order to grow into a plant - soil, water, light.

Living Our Questions

Living Our Questions

Fred Rogers loved questions. And he loved inviting YOU to ask questions about anything and everything.

When Difficult Things Happen

When Difficult Things Happen

A guide from the Fred Rogers Institute for supporting children through hard moments in life.

The Power of "I Don't Know"

The Power of "I Don't Know"

The importance of wonder and asking questions is nothing new to educators. Early Childhood educators especially, know how to allow opportunities for children's "why?" and "how?" and "hmm..." and "oh, my!"

Reflective Thoughts for the New Year

Reflective Thoughts for the New Year

January 2022: Here we are at the beginning of the year when we're "looking ahead," wondering what this new year will bring. It seems kind of ironic, but "looking back" can help us with our journey ahead. There's even a name for that in early childhood — reflective teaching.

From Foundations of Trust

From Foundations of Trust

As Educators' Neighborhood moves into its fifth year of educators learning together inspired by the life and work of Fred Rogers, I've been reflecting on the core of this work, it's essential through-line, the heart of it.

The Neighborhood Remembers Tony Bennett

The Neighborhood Remembers Tony Bennett

August 2023: The world lost a legendary musical giant last month when Tony Bennett died. We're left with our memories and treasured recordings. I wonder if you knew that one of those recordings was from our very own Neighborhood - in 1975. Not with Lady Gaga - but with Lady Elaine!

When Someone a Child Loves Dies

When Someone a Child Loves Dies

A guide from the Fred Rogers Institute for supporting children through the death of a loved one.

When Someone a Child Loves has Cancer

When Someone a Child Loves has Cancer

When you need to talk to a child about cancer, whether it is your own diagnosis or someone else's, you may wonder how to best share this hard news.

Talking With Children About Politics

Talking With Children About Politics

When an election is coming up, news and conversations about politics are all around us. Even with limited exposure to the media, young children are almost certain to hear something about elections from televisions, their friends and classmates, and their families.

Talking with Children about COVID-19

Talking with Children about COVID-19

In Spring 2020, we shared considerations for talking with children about the novel coronavirus that was rapidly and drastically changing life as we knew it.

What do you DO with the mad that you feel?

What do you DO with the mad that you feel?

June 2022: It was 1968 when Fred introduced us to his song, "What Do You Do with the Mad that You Feel." That was over fifty years ago, and the messages of that song are as needed today as ever. Fred knew how important it is to help children learn to deal with their angry feelings. But in his song he wasn't ...

Hope from the Helpers of the Educators' Neighborhood

Hope from the Helpers of the Educators' Neighborhood

Our educators of the neighborhood were in full swing in their classrooms in March, ready with next episodes of Mister Rogers' Neighborhood to play, and creative ideas to try out with their students. Then, schools closed. Now, they remain closed. In challenging times, Fred Rogers is often quoted saying something he lear

The Past And The Present Is Now

The Past And The Present Is Now

Please click on the button below to read Fred's NAEYC speech from 1983, "Past and Present," which talks about trusting self as "a positive contributor to children's development."

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